Sunday 21 June 2015

Your Final Task... and Submission Procedures

Dear students,

This is your last and final task for this entire blogging exercise, and you have come a long way.

However, before I release the task, let me first highlight to you how this entire project will be graded.

The total assessment will be over 70 marks in total. The breakdown is as follows:

Marks Allocated
Submission of all 4 blog posts and comments on other blogs  
Punctuality of submission
Design of blog posts
Objectivity of blog posts
Objectivity of comments
Relevance to topics
Relevance of comment to post
Chosen blog post for submission
Total marks

You will have to choose one of your 4 blog posts and print it out for submission in T3W1 to your respective English teachers.

Do note that this project is being considered to be part of CA2, so I do suggest for those who have yet to post your blog entries or comment on your friends' posts, to do so by the end of this week.

Now, on to task 4

I read, I think, I respond.

Recently, there has been a sad event that happened to the students and teachers of Tanjong Katong Primary School in their Mount Kinabalu expedition. In total, 8 students and 2 teachers passed away. Read up on some articles that have been written about this incident.
Following which, choose one of the following 2 questions to answer. Spend approximately 2/3 of your post on this question.

a)    Do you think that it is wise to let primary six students go for such an expedition?
b)    What are some safety measures that can be taken if such an expedition were to be conducted again?
For the remaining 1/3 of your post, share your personal thoughts and opinions after reading about this incident.
Do remember to be objective, and not to be overly critical in your assessment. Support your views with relevant examples.
Post your reflections on your blogs by 29 June 2015.
 NOTE: You will NOT HAVE TO COMMENT on any of your friends' posts for this final entry.

That's all, everyone. I hope you have managed to get some rest this June holidays, and completed your holiday homework. See all of you when school reopens for Term 3!

Monday 15 June 2015

The Release of Task 3

Dear students,

Please see task 3 below!

Movies, Books and the like.

This week, go watch a movie or read a book. Whether you visit the cinema, pick up a DVD, or head to the National Library, the objective is to comment on what you have watched/ read. Post a 300 word entry on your group blogs about how you felt about the movie/ book, what you liked about it, and if there were any memorable scenes/ quotes/ actions that took place. Post your masterpiece on your blogs by 22 June 2015.

Have fun with this exercise as we are encouraging you to go watch a movie and go read a book. Enjoy the moment, and give a review.

Just a reminder: students who have not posted your blog posts or commented on your friends' posts, please do so asap.

Monday 8 June 2015

Mr Lim's Task 1

Growing up, some of the first television shows we watched are likely to be cartoons. The truth is that these fictional animated characters inspired us in many ways- the stoic X-men, the adorable Carebears, and that incessantly cute Hello Kitty are but some examples of our childhood idols. Even to this day, these evergreen icons are still around, and for me, I grew up wishing I was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, specifically Leonardo, the double katana wielding leader with the blue headband. Leonardo's leadership, loyalty and discipline were and still are inspiring traits that made me want to be green.

The evolution of Leonardo over the years
According to the comic books and cartoons, Leonardo was the undisputed leader of the Turtles, appointed by their father and sensei, Splinter the rat. The eldest of the four siblings, Leonardo was also the most mature. Decisive and calm in most situations, Leonardo is able to come up with a plan even in the most tense situations. In the first three instalments of the TMNT movie franchise, Leonardo was the one stepping up to give directions and a clear plan regardless of the situation. His ability to rise up and take lead shaped my desire to be a leader.

Despite being the leader, Leonardo was also loyal to a fault. He was willing to lay down his life for his brothers, demonstrated in almost every cartoon series and movie. In the 2007 cartoon movie, Leonardo was willing to obey his master, Splinter, to go on a two year training stint in Brazil to be a better leader. In the first movie for TMNT, Leonardo kept a bedside, or rather, tubside vigil over Raphael out of guilt. His loyalty to his brothers and master was evident also when he gave up his weapons to save his master in the 2014 movie. Such submissiveness is hard to come by, and it exemplified the love Leonardo has for his family.

Last but not least, Leonardo is by and large the most disciplined of the four turtles. He is constantly portrayed as the meditative one, the one who trains the most, and the one with the best techniques and ninjitsu skills of his four brothers. "Practice makes perfect" is probably the most appropriate phrase to describe this hard-shelled leader, and he also expects the same discipline and outcome from his fellow brothers. He draws a clear line between work and play, and is not afraid to take his brothers to task firmly when needed.

I will never be a green turtle, nor will I ever be a sword wielding, somersault flipping ninja. However, Leonardo's examples have left an indelible mark on me, and have shaped my perspective of what a leader entails. Leonardo has taught me that a good leader is someone who leads by example, is committed and constantly improves himself in whatever field he is assigned. Thank you, Leo, for the important childhood lessons that moulded my leadership journey.

Sunday 7 June 2015


Dear students,

My apologies for the late upload of Task 2 because of classes for Conquer O.

Here it is!
This week, you get to choose between two tasks with the following theme:

Singapore is Home.
 Task 2(A)
Speak with someone who is dear to you about Singapore. It can be a grandparent, a relative or a close friend who is at least 50 years of age. Ask him or her to tell you a story about themseves and Singapore - an anecdote of something funny, something moving, something that has stayed with them through the years. Write down in your blog post a summary of the story, and also one takeaway/ reflection that you had from the conversation.
Task 2(B)
Go around this week, and find something that is dear to you about Singapore. It can be a place, a dish, an iconic figure or even an activity. When you have found this item, write a 300 word post on why this particular item is so significant/ important to you. Post your masterpiece on your blogs by 15 June 2015, 10am

Happy blogging!!!

Monday 1 June 2015

A Sample Post off a Random Blog

Christopher Reeve as Superman
 I grew up in a time when the quintessential Superman, Christopher Reeve, inspired  millions of children to believe that they could do anything and playground battles against Evil were fought with light sabres by Jedi Knights; or in my case ‘Knight’-ess. Ask any kid at that time whom he looks up to, the answer would invariably be either Superman or Luke Skywalker – the Jedi Knight who defeated the ‘Forces of Evil’ spearheaded by Darth Vader.  Then – my reply would have probably been no different.

Reeve wheelchair-bound

Today, however, my reply is totally different.  The first person I look up to would have been Superman………..’s wife.  Dana Reeve, married ‘Superman’ in April 1992 and on May 27, 1995, after just a short three years of married bliss, Christopher Reeve was thrown from a horse during an equestrian competition.  He landed headfirst, shattering his first and second vertebrae resulting in instant and permanent paralysis from the neck down. His injury disconnected his skull from his spine turning him into a quadriplegic, paralysed from neck down unable to move a body part.  Reeve cconsidered suicide.  He mouthed a painful plea to Dana, “Maybe you should let me go.”   
She tearfully replied, “I am only going to say this once: I will support you whatever you want to do, because this is your life and your decision.  But I want you to know that I’ll be with you for the long haul, no matter what. You're still you. And I love you." Reeve never considered suicide as an option again.
Christopher and Dana Reeve

Dana Reeve supported Christopher in his numerous hospital visits, unending cycles of health scares, medication and resuscitation, cared for all his needs as well as brought up their son at home even as she worked tirelessly with him in his various charity as well as career projects.  Together the Reeves raised millions of dollars for disability as well as stem-cell research.  Dana’s role could not have been a small or minor one.  I believe she gave so much of herself to care for ‘Superman’ that after he passed away of cardiac arrest in October 2004, her grief and exhaustion further compounded by the death of her beloved mother, Helen Simpson Morosini in February 2005, her own body and spirit gave out.  Dana Morosini Reeve, who had never smoked in her life, died of lung cancer in 2006 at the age of 44.  She was truly a self-less ‘Super’woman.   By: Joshua Decker

Reminder about Task 1

Dear students,

Please take note the following task for week 1:

Week 1: Somebody I Look Up To.
Everyone has a role model. They can be someone close to you, they may be someone famous. They may even be your best friend who you have known for a while. Write a 300 word post on who your role model is and why you look up to him/her so much.
Do take note of the following changes in submissions:
1) Post your masterpieces up by 8th June 2015.
2) Receive Task 2 on 8th June 2015.
2) Comment on your friend's pieces for task 1 and post Task 2's post by 15th June 2015.

Thank you!
Have a fruitful blogging journey!

Monday 25 May 2015

Welcome to Central HQ

Dear students,

Welcome to the Blogging Exercise Central HQ Blog.

As you embark on this journey of blogging during the June Holidays, we hope that as much as you are structured, that you will also find it a fun exercise. There is much that needs to be relooked at, but believe me when we say that there is also much joy in the process.

Just some gentle reminders:

Task 1: Somebody I Look Up To

Start Date: 1 June 2015
End Date: 8 June 2015, 10am
Everyone has a role model. They can be someone close to you, they may be someone famous. They may even be your best friend who you have known for a while. Write a 300 word post on who your role model is and why you look up to him/her so much. 

Remember also that you are to put up one post per person on your group blogs.
Comment on your group members' posts by the coming week as well.

Through it all, we hope you have a fun-filled exercise knowing more about your classmates, and growing in your reasoning, analysis and response skills.
Enjoy the process!