Monday 25 May 2015

Welcome to Central HQ

Dear students,

Welcome to the Blogging Exercise Central HQ Blog.

As you embark on this journey of blogging during the June Holidays, we hope that as much as you are structured, that you will also find it a fun exercise. There is much that needs to be relooked at, but believe me when we say that there is also much joy in the process.

Just some gentle reminders:

Task 1: Somebody I Look Up To

Start Date: 1 June 2015
End Date: 8 June 2015, 10am
Everyone has a role model. They can be someone close to you, they may be someone famous. They may even be your best friend who you have known for a while. Write a 300 word post on who your role model is and why you look up to him/her so much. 

Remember also that you are to put up one post per person on your group blogs.
Comment on your group members' posts by the coming week as well.

Through it all, we hope you have a fun-filled exercise knowing more about your classmates, and growing in your reasoning, analysis and response skills.
Enjoy the process!